Title I, the largest program, targets low-performing students in underprivileged schools. In Bristol specifically, all students (Pre-K to 5th grade) benefit from Title I resources. Dedicated staff members oversee reading, math instruction, and monitor the overall educational plan.
This program utilizes a school-wide model, allowing all students to receive need-based support. Each school also has a parent advisory team that actively participates in reviewing and revising the educational plan. Title I ultimately aims to ensure all students meet grade-level expectations and achieve state and local standards.
Title II focuses on strengthening the quality of teaching across all schools, particularly in high-poverty areas. Funding supports various activities, including professional development programs for teachers, based on proven research methods. Due to the diverse needs of school districts, the law provides flexibility in using these funds while ensuring proper accountability for their effective application.
Title III programs support the education of students with limited English proficiency (LEP). These programs help students acquire English language skills while enabling them to meet the required academic standards. Additionally, Title III offers enriched learning opportunities for immigrant students.
Federal Programs Staff
Director of Federal Programs - Dr. Faith Mabe (fmabe@bvps.org)
Secretary/Bookkeeper - Amy Stewart (astewart@bvps.org)
ESL Specialist - Courtney Proffitt (cproffitt@bvps.org)
Title I Specialists
Math Specialist/Math Coach - Cynthia Shannon (cshannon@bvps.org)
Math Specialist/Math Coach - Kristy James (kjames@bvps.org)
Reading Specialist/Literacy Coach - Petina McCracken (pmccracken@bvps.org)
Reading Specialist/Literacy Coach - Ginger Richmond (grichmond@bvps.org)
Reading Specialist/Literacy Coach - Holly Rolen (hrolen@bvps.org)
Reading Specialist/Literacy Coach - Melanie Smiley (msmiley@bvps.org)