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2023 December BEST Winners

Fred Canter
  • Fred Canter, Nominated by a Colleague

Fred sets the bar high for all of us here to have a positive attitude, pleasant personality, and to be an example to the students as to how to conduct ourselves, even on busy or stressful days.  Fred is always smiling, always friendly, and always willing to stop and check on people passing by.  He reminds us to slow down too and to be present and mindful.  The day time janitorial duties job is always needed, always on call and always urgent.  He never complains.  He takes care of everything.  I’ve worked in several schools over the last 18 years, and I have never seen a janitor as thorough or as helpful as he is. 

Fred is always asking if anyone needs anything.  I needed a trash bag the other day and a pair of gloves, so I asked him if he could give me a pair of gloves and a trash bag from his cart in the hallway.  Fred went so far as to show me where supplies were and offered to get me a supply of these items to keep in the private restroom we use for students with special needs.  He had a billion other things to do, but in that moment, he was going to help me deal with my issues I was dealing with.  He didn’t hesitate and he didn’t complain about me taking up to much of his time. He just wanted to help.

Jessie Dykes and Gail Lambert
  • Gail Lambert, Nominated by a Colleague

Over 25 years of service in BVPS, Mrs. Lambert has had excellent attendance, is always ready to jump in and help wherever she is needed, and provides exceptional teacher support. Teachers often request Mrs. Lambert to be in their classroom year after year as she is always efficient and effective in her work.  Mrs. Lambert is willing and eager to participate in trainings to improve her knowledge and ability to help in the classroom. She is positive in her daily work and her interactions with faculty and students. Her first response when asked to do anything is always, "I'll try my best."

When we lost a faculty member in November, Mrs. Lambert was the obvious choice to step in while we worked to hire a new teacher. Mrs. Lambert has exhibited excellent classroom management, instructional planning and classroom instructional skills. She is a true team player and has a heart for children.


  • Jessie Dykes, Nominated by Colleague

Jessie Dykes is always going above and beyond her expected work duties - she is often one of the first people in the building, stepping in to help wherever she is needed. She is an amazing paraprofessional, working hard to provide reading intervention and whatever classroom support any of our diverse group of students need at the lee. Her patience, dedication, and love for our kids is truly remarkable.

There have been countless times that Jessie has stepped in to fill a need that our students may have - whether it is a missing supply, needed snack, or even funds for a school trip, Jessie immediately steps in to help. She is an absolutely invaluable source of support for our kids.  Jessie always strives to make our workplace better - she has amazing ideas for fun, engaging activities for our kids AND for the staff. Jessie keeps us all together - checking in with us each day to see if there is anything she can do to help make our day better - whether it is pitching in to help in class, providing an ear to listen, shoulder to cry on, or friendly smile to bring us together.

Becky Foster
  • Becky Foster, Nominated by a Parent

Becky goes above and beyond in the special education PreK classroom. My son has significant needs, and Mrs. Foster sticks by him, helping him eat, play, learn and thrive. He quickly bonded with her and will do things for her that he struggles with...for example, he'll try new foods, feel new textures, and participate in a classroom setting. She constantly looks for ways to help my son meet his IEP goals. And she does all this with a smile. She has a true passion for our special needs kiddos and we are so thankful that she has created an atmosphere where kids thrive.

  • Mercedes Sanders, Nominated by a Colleague

I have engaged with Ms. Sanders' class weekly and I believe she has demonstrated exceptional effort to support and develop her students. Each week I have seen improvement with her students' abilities to engage, participate in social situations, and verbally articulate themselves. It is obvious in her speech, smile, and positive attitude that she desires the best for her students, and that she sees potential in each and every one of them.

I have also witnessed Ms. Sanders interact with her aids and I'm impressed with what a close-knit and kind school family they have created together. They always make me feel valued as a special teacher, and we laugh and learn together in the library with her awesome students.  Ms. Sanders has helped her students develop new speech patterns and I've also seen a huge improvement in their behaviors. I look forward to spending time with Ms. Sanders and her entire crew each week.