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BVPS » First Grade » 1.13


Networking and the Internet

1.13  The student will, in a whole class environment, discuss how information can be communicated electronically (e.g., email, social media).

Context of the Standard

Online communication facilitates positive interactions, such as sharing ideas with many people, including friends and family around the world.  It also allows opportunities for scientists, mathematicians, business people, and many other professionals to communicate about projects they are working on together.  People with similar interests can meet through social media or email and share information; however, the public and anonymous nature of online communication also allows intimidating and inappropriate behavior in the form of cyberbullying. When using social media or email with strangers, do not share personal information such as phone number or address.  Never share pictures of yourself with others you do not know using social media or email.


Essential Skills

Essential Questions

Essential Vocabulary

Students should demonstrate these skills:


  • Understand that information can be communicated electronically.
  • Describe different types of electronic communication.

Students should investigate these concepts:


  • What are different ways people communicate with each other?
  • What are different ways people can communicate with a computer?

Students should be introduced to these concepts:


  • Email
  • Social media


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Resources / Examples: