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BVPS » First Grade » 1.11


 Data and Analysis

1.11  The student will identify and use strong passwords, explain why strong passwords should be used (e.g., protect name, address, and telephone number).

Context of the Standard

Connecting devices to a network or the Internet provides great benefit, but care must be taken to protect private information such as a student’s name, phone number, and address. Passwords are used to protect devices and information from unauthorized access. Strong passwords have characteristics that make them more difficult to guess.  Many sites have rules as to the length and composition of passwords; these rules help create stronger passwords.  The practice of not sharing passwords should be emphasized in the classroom and at home.


Essential Skills

Essential Questions

Essential Vocabulary

Students should demonstrate these skills:


  • Explain how a password helps protect the privacy of information.
  • Refrain from using other students' passwords.
  • Explain how logging off devices can protect personal information.

Students should investigate these concepts:


  • Why do we use passwords?
  • What makes a password strong?
  • What kind of information would you want to protect with a password?
  • Why is it important not to share passwords?

Students should be introduced to these concepts:


  • Digital Safety
  • Personal information

Related Subject SOLs


Resources / Examples: