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BVPS » Fifth Grade » 5.9



5.9  The student will evaluate and solve problems that relate to inappropriate use of computing devices and networks.

Context of the Standard

Computer networks, including the Internet, can be used to connect people to other people, places, information, and ideas.  In order to keep students safe, schools and divisions have rules on the appropriate use of technology.  As students increase their use of the networks and interact with others outside of the school or home environment, digital safety is an increasing concern.  Students should be aware of what is allowed and not allowed when using division/school technology.

Appropriate use of technology as well as school and division rules when using technology should be reviewed with students on a regular basis.  Consistent monitoring of students when engaged with technology should be conducted at all times.

In fifth grade, students should begin to contemplate their role as members of a larger community of technology users and how they will navigate this world ethically and responsibly.


Essential Skills

Essential Questions

Essential Vocabulary

Students should demonstrate these skills:


  • Identify and explain causes and effects related to inappropriate use of computing devices.
  • Identify real-life situations they encounter while using computing devices that could cause problems in school or at home.
  • Describe how a technology-related problem could be avoided or prevented.

Students should investigate these concepts:


  • What is appropriate use of technology?
  • If you see someone using technology inappropriately in school, how should you notify the proper person?
  • What are some consequences of inappropriate use of computing technology?
  • What are examples from the news concerning inappropriate use of technology?
  • If you were designing a system to stop inappropriate use of technology, what would it look like and why?

Students should apply these terms in context:


Related Subject SOLs

  • LA 5.6h

Resources / Examples: