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BVPS » Fifth Grade » 5.3


Algorithms and Programming

5.3  The student will analyze, correct, and improve (debug) an algorithm that includes sequencing, events, loops, conditionals, and variables.

Context of the Standard

In order to determine if an algorithm is an appropriate reflection of the steps that must occur in order to complete a task, the students should review the sequence of steps and any embedded loops, variables, and number calculations that compose the algorithm works as intended.  During the review stage, the design and implementation are checked for adherence to program requirements, correctness, and usability. This review could lead to changes in implementation and possibly design, which demonstrates the iterative nature of the process. If the algorithm does not work as intended, the students should determine what changes could be made to the algorithm in order to complete the task.  These changes may include adding, deleting, rearranging, or changing a step in order to obtain the intended outcome.  The process of revising a program so that is works as intended is called debugging.


Essential Skills

Essential Questions

Essential Vocabulary

Students should demonstrate these skills:


  • Describe how an algorithm didn’t work (e.g., character is not moving as intended).
  • Analyze an algorithm that is flawed and determine possible solution(s).
  • Implement a proposed adjustment to a sequence that did not work as intended.
  • Explain how a proposed adjustment increases the effectiveness of an algorithm.

Students should investigate these concepts:


  • If your program does not run, how could you correct it?
  • If your algorithm is not working as intended, how could you fix it?
  • Once you have found an error in your algorithm, how do you decide what adjustment needs to be made?
  • How can the sequence of your steps affect what happens?

Students should apply these terms in context:


  • Bug
  • Debug



Related Subject SOLs

  • USI.1c
  • Math 5.18
  • Science 5.1

Resources / Examples: