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Sick Child Policy

Sick Child - When To Keep Your Child At Home
Your child may become ill during the course of the school year. The following will assist you in knowing when to keep your child home.
  • A temperature of 100 degrees -
    Child must be free of fever for 24 hours before returning to school
  • Bronchitis -
    Fever with coughing.
  • Severe Coughing -
    Face turns red or blue or makes high-pitched whooping sound after coughing.
  • Sore Throat -
    With fever and swollen glands.
  • Excessive nasal discharge -
    Green or yellow in color.
  • Rashes -
    Rashes that cannot be identified, or that have not been
  • Lice, scabies or other parasitic infestations -
    Any evidence of these should mean your child is kept at home and treated. If seen by a physician, a note from the physician should be sent to school.
  • Recurring vomiting or diarrhea -
    If the child vomits, he/she should stay home. If the child has two or more loose, watery stools in the period of one hour, he/she should stay home.
  • Impetigo -
    Sores with brownish yellow crust

When a child is diagnosed with a throat or ear infection and places on an antibiotic, they may return to school with a doctor's note no earlier than 24 hours after beginning the first dose of medication.

If there is any question about your child returning to school, have the child's doctor write a note stating that it is appropriate for him/her to return. By observing good health standards, you will be protecting your child and others