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Health Screening

Per the code of Virginia and/or local policy, health screenings will be provided for grades K, 3, 7 and 10, in the areas of vision, hearing, dental, height and weight (5th grade will have dental, height and weight only).   Mass screenings dates are tentatively scheduled during the month of September (see the school calendar for the day your school will have a screening.) 

For other information regarding screenings, please refer to the student handbook posted online. 

Screenings provide information to help identify problems.  If your child does not pass a screening test for vision, hearing or dental then it is recommended that you check with your physician for an examination.  If you have any questions please contact your school nurse or the coordinating school nurse for Bristol Virginia Public Schools.

Darlene Becker RN, BSN

Coordinating School Nurse

Bristol Virginia Public Schools


[email protected]