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Federal Programs

Federal Programs Staff

Director of Federal Programs - Jennifer Hurt  [email protected]
Secretary/Bookkeeper - Amy Stewart  [email protected]
Math Specialist - Cynthia Shannon [email protected]
ESL Specialist - Courtney Proffitt [email protected]
Foster Care/Homeless Liaison - Sara DeBusk [email protected]

Department Overview

Title I is the single, largest federally funded program for elementary and secondary education in the nation.  Currently, Virginia has been granted a waiver from certain requirements of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) as amended by The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.  Title I funding helps our school division provide equal educational opportunities for low-performing students in schools with economic need.  Bristol Virginia Public Schools currently supports all our elementary schools through Title I services, Pre-K through 5th grade.  Each school has a resource teacher who serves as the schools reading/math specialist and to monitor the schools educational plan.  Our Title I schools implement a School-wide model which allows for flexibility in serving ALL children based on their individual need.  Each school host a school-wide parent advisory team that meets twice a year to review and revise their schools plan as needed.  The goal of Title I is to enable all students to be on grade level and to meet state and local standards.  Title I is committed to the shared effort of closing the achievement gap between all students in Bristol Virginia Public Schools and to provide high quality, engaging instruction that motivates students to become lifelong learners.  Parental involvement is a huge component of all of the Title I schools.

Title II provides federal funding to states and districts for activities that strengthen instructional leadership and teacher quality in all schools, especially those with a high proportion of children in poverty. Funding can be used to support a wide array of activities, including interventions for teacher professional development, so long as the activities are grounded in scientifically based research. Because communities nationwide face such a variety of needs when it comes to teacher quality, the law gives schools and districts flexibility in how the money is spent. It also holds them accountable for the proper and effective use of the  funds.

Federal funds awarded under Title III support programs to improve the education of limited English proficient (LEP) children and youths by helping them learn English and meet challenging state content and achievement standards. Title III programs also provide enhanced instructional opportunities for immigrant children and youths.