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Tdap Vaccine Required for Rising 7th Graders

Dear Parents/Guardians of Fifth and Sixth Grade Students:

Tdap vaccine is required for the protection against tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (whooping cough). The recommendation from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices changed the minimum age for routine Tdap vaccination to 11 years. Subsequently, the Virginia Legislative House Bill (HB) 2215 raised the grade level requirement from 6th to 7th grade for Tdap. As of July I, rising 7th graders will be required to have one dose of Tdap vaccine.

Your child will need to receive a Tdap vaccine before entering the  7th grade. Failure to receive the vaccine before the 2019-2020 school year may result in your child being excluded from school. If your child received a Tdap vaccine prior to entry of 6th grade, they will not need another dose for 7th grade.

The nurses of the Mount Rogers Health District will not provide school-based Tdap vaccine clinics this spring but will resume this offer next year to rising 7th graders. For your review, there is an attached vaccine information sheet.

Immunizations can be obtained from your private physician or local health department. If you have questions or concerns, please contact your local health department or your child's private physician.

Thank you for your assistance.

Karen Shelton, MD
Director Mount Rogers Health District

Tdap Vaccination Letter