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Student Health and Wellness

The Bristol Virginia Public School system is committed to providing nursing care for its students. Mrs. Darlene Becker, the division-wide nurse is responsible for coordinating nursing services. In addition, there is either a full or part time nurse located at each of the six schools. These nurses work daily to provide direct care to the students and staff in their schools.

Nursing Services

There are school nurses in all six schools in Bristol Virginia Public Schools.

The primary goal of schools is education; however school health services are an essential component of today's educational program.  Schools bring together large populations of students and staff with multiple needs in the areas of first aid management, detection of contagious diseases, routine medication administration and specialized health care procedures.  Nurses provide and coordinate much of this care and serve as a professional in-service trainer to the educational staff.  Communication to parents regarding health conditions is a primary part of the nurse's liaison work to the community and medical profession.

Prescription Medication Administration

A written order from the physician, dentist or practitioner is required.  The order must include the student's name, the name of the medication, the dosage, time to be given, route to be given and the duration of time that it is to be given.

Medication must be brought in the original pharmacy container with a label from the pharmacy and the current prescription information.  Parent/Guardian must deliver medication to the school clinic.  Students are not permitted to transport medication.  For further information, please contact your school nurse.